
The New Mural on Hydraulic - Bella Bonita Door

The New Mural on Hydraulic - Bella Bonita Door

Remember getting the sudden urge to draw on the walls when you were little? Well some grow out of it, and then there is Bonita who decides to paint a whole... Read More

NOW OFFERING - Live Event Illustration

Live event drawing is a unique and exciting addition to any event big or small. Imagine having a professional artist create one of a kind sketches of your guests in...
NOW OFFERING - Live Event Illustration
Dear Creatives, is New York City worth it?

Dear Creatives, is New York City worth it?

As a creative it is hard to determine if moving to the big city is 'worth it' can you create the same opportunities present day in the midwest? I share...

Happy International Womens Day

Totally relate to this I hope women this week are working on encouraging each other and not finding flaws, That negative juju can get gone - I only have people... Read More
Happy International Womens Day
5 Secrets about Silk every Beauty Junkie needs to know!

5 Secrets about Silk every Beauty Junkie needs to know!

“My mother was right: when you’ve got nothing left, all you can do is get into silk underwear and start reading Proust.” -Jane Birkin Ah to be French, sophisticated, beautiful, and... Read More